Ms Squawks McCluck

Meet Squawks McCluck! She is made out of bits of yarn from my stash. She is an ex-battery hen, all round tough-cookie, and a staunch “heninist”!(feminist hen!). She feels that anything a rooster can do, she can do just as well, if not better!(except crow; she just has not got the vocal cords!). 
She is a councellor, and all round “shoulder to cry on”, for newly released battery hens (she builds up their self esteem, while they wait for their feathers to grow back e.t.c.). Although she loves her job, should she ever meet the right rooster, she would love to settle down, and brood a little family of her own! 

* Note:- The plight of battery hens is a subject very close to my heart. They suffer in the most vile of conditions. I hope and pray, that the legislation regarding them is changed soon, but alas, am not holding out much hope.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you! She has since met Septimus Velvet-Comb! And adopted some darling chicks (from rav-sis Diane, for my birthday)!You can read about Septimus, he is just under Squawks, in the menu...tee hee!
