Thursday, 19 December 2013

Building Inspector!

The boys consulted DH's building regs book, and did a few calculations! Then, they gravely inspected the work in progress. Bricks and walls were subject to close scrutiny, via beak and eye (any one who knows chickens, knows the peck at absolutely everything). Not even the cement mixer was exempt!



  1. These pictures are so cute! They really made me smile (",)

  2. Thank you! Rocky just looks the part, all studious and serious! I first wrote about the clucks on rav (they have their own thread, in one of my groups). Then I thought, why not post about them on my blog! They don't seem to mind either :)

  3. I hope they're working for free! Skilled tradesmen are quite expensive!!! ;)

  4. Tee hee! A cup of builder's tea (really strong!) and a few digestive bikkies sufficed!!!
